Watts Helpful Hub Of Happiness

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Watts 2.0 – Access the Information Screen

Last Updated : October 06 2023
[no transcript available for this video]

Our Watts 2.0 Controllers allow for diagnostics information to be gathered right from your app. This will read the controller for critical information such as the WiFi Reception or the controller version information to be able to diagnose issues that are occurring.

This screen is used a lot even if just for the signal that the controller is getting from your WiFi. It is a very handy tool because it can tell you if your router is sending a strong enough signal to your WATTS system.

The most common issues that customers have with their WATTS controller are tied to a weak WiFi Signal or network issue. Checking this info screen when having connection troubles will help ensure that you can see if you are dealing with a network issue.

You may be asking yourself, if I do not have a connection how can I read this information from the controller? Well, good question! We thought of that. We cache the information on the cloud and by opening the Information Screen using the app, even if you can't connect to the controller, it can provide diagnostics information from the last time that it was online.

There is also a shortcut to the information screen. You can access it right from the device list by pressing the three dots, and then accessing "information" in the drop-down menu.

In Categories:
Basic Troubleshooting, Watts 2.0 App, WiFi and Connection