Watts Lights in Fraser Valley, British Columbia

Greetings, Fraser Valley friends and fellow light lovers! Ever thought about taking a luminous trip through our beloved valley? With Watts Lights as our trusty sidekick, we’re about to paint Fraser Valley with hues of brilliance.

Now, the Fraser Valley is a treasure trove of nature’s wonders. Majestic mountains, meandering rivers, and lush farmlands — it’s nature’s canvas in all its glory. But when twilight descends and paints the sky in shades of pink and gold, the Valley undergoes a transformation. And that’s where we come in, adding our very own sprinkles of starlight.

Imagine the historic streets of Abbotsford or the charming pathways of Chilliwack, all bathed in a gentle glow, creating a serene tableau that’s hard to forget. Picture the vineyards of Langley, where the vines not only bask in sunshine by day but also enjoy the soft embrace of lights by night. Magical, isn’t it?

After a day of exploring — maybe hiking Sumas Mountain or wandering through the vibrant markets of Mission — picture returning home to a sanctuary of light. With Watts Lights, it’s not about mere illumination; it’s about crafting moods. Cozy, festive, tranquil? You name it, we set it. And with our ever-so-handy app, personalizing your ambiance is a cinch.

So, Fraser Valley folks, let’s illuminate our enchanting region together! From the banks of the mighty Fraser River to our very doorsteps, let’s make every corner gleam and glow.